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Comics Zine Market

To celebrate Comicfest 2024, Wellington Zinefest are hosting a special Comics Zine Market in May this year.


We'll have 40 tables for local comic artists and creatives to sell their work, ranging from amateur makers to slick professionals. Join us to browse comics, meet local creators and support our city's thriving comics scene.


The market is free to attend and all are welcome. Read below for more info on what to expect. Special thank you to Sam Orchard for creating the poster, and the Victoria University team for hosting us.

Interested in stallholding?


All the stalls at the Comics Zine Market are now booked.


For more info, and the link to join our waitlist, head to  our Stallholder Info page.



139 Vivian Street

Victoria University of Wellington

Te Herenga Waka

School of Design Innovation

Te Kura Hoahoa


Google Maps

We're happy to be returning to the Te Aro Campus of Te Herenga Waka in 2024 - thanks so much to the campus team for their ongoing support.


The Comics Zine Market will be held in the atrium on the ground floor, and will be visible from the front entrance. The campus is wheelchair accessible and has accessible toilets near where the market is held.


Street parking is somewhat limited given the central location. If you need to gather cash, the nearest ATMs are on Cuba Street.

Market 1.png

Attending the Market

Comics Zine Market is a special market we're hosting as part of the Comicfest 2024 festivities. For this market, we're particularly focused on celebrating those who make comics - from newbies to more established creators.

Wellington Zinefest markets are designed to show off the thriving self-publishing and zinemaking scene in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Our markets (like zine culture more generally) are focused on fostering creativity, self- expression and community building, rather than straightforward sales and profit. For a sense of what to expect on the day, check out the photos from
Zinefest Weekend 2023 and the Zines Only Market.


We strongly encourage you to bring cash to the market, as most of our stallholders won't be able to accept card payments. The nearest ATMs to the venue are on Cuba Street.

If you've got old comics and zines you don't want to keep, you can bring them to the market and swap them on our trading post - details below.

11am - 12pm


The market opens with Accessibility Hour from 11 - 12. This is a chance for people who, for whatever reason, struggle to attend when our markets are crowded. We'll have no music and try to maintain a low-stimulation environment. We also ask stallholders not to  'hard sell' their work during this period. If you're put off by crowds or just need a bit more chill, you're welcome to attend during this time.

12 - 4pm


Most visitors arrive from 12pm. At this point, we'll put on music and create a more social atmosphere for the market. We recommend keen attendees arrive earlier in the day to avoid missing out on items which may sell out. At 4pm, stallholders will start to pack down their tables.


Trading Post

The trading post is an un-personned stall where you can trade zines and comics you own with other ones on the table. It's free to trade and there's no rules about how many you give or take.


If you've got old zines and comics you don't want any more, bring them to the market to trade. Zines and comics for trading can be your own creations, or they can be other people's work - anything goes!

Community Table

The Community Table is a stall where the Wellington Zinefest team will sell your zines and comics on your behalf. We'll keep a tally of what you've sold, then transfer your takings to your bank account.


We encourage makers to have their own stalls, if they can - it's part of the fun! But if you can't make it, the stalls are booked out, or you don't feel you can fill a whole table with your work, the community table is a good alternative. For more details on how the Community Table works and how to register, check out our Stallholder Info page.

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